The Folly of War
American Foreign Policy, 1898-2005
Description:... The Folly of War is a critical analysis of American wars in the 20th century. The author contends that US foreign policy has been driven by the public's desire to "do good" -- but has failed, and in the process done much harm. Most people regard history as mythology -- simply a fable to be read for entertainment and to confirm their pride in the nation and its heroes. For these people, history should soothe and comfort, not confuse. For others, history is a critical examination of the past, seeking to learn from the mistakes and successes. These readers analyze history, relying on accumulated facts and logic. They are willing to draw appropriate conclusions, however unpleasant they may be. This is a disturbing book that raises question about how the US goes to war, how we fight wars and, surprisingly, how we lose wars. Drawing on a wide range of sources and rigorously marshalling facts, the book concludes that American participation in wars in the past century have been futile, unnecessary and misguided. Many Americans view the military defeat in Vietnam as an aberration, interrupting a string of military successes. The Folly of War sees that tragedy as part of a line of politically reckless engagements that span the century. Driven by a proud self-assurance that is often termed "American exceptionalism," the nation under the banner of Militant Idealism, arms itself to the teeth and intrudes into every region of the world. The US has been on a treadmill of perpetual war to seek perpetual peace. * Donald E. Schmidt has taught history and political science at the college level for over 20 years. He holds an advanced degree in modern American diplomatic history from California StateUniversity, Northridge.
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