Bulletin of Educational Research Vol.59 No.3
Description:... 善的至高性與脆弱性:Murdoch與Nussbaum的立場及其德育蘊義 Sovereignty and Fragility of Goodness: A Study of the Ethical Perspectives and Implications of Moral Education as Postulated by Murdoch and Nussbaum╱王俊斌
可要求個人為品格負責嗎?道德運氣對於個體品格責任的挑戰 Can an Individual Be Held Responsible for His/Her Own Personal (Moral) Character: How Moral Luck Challenges the Notion that Individuals Are Responsible for Their Own (Moral) Character╱陳伊琳
臺灣家長對高等教育服務品質特性歸類與評價之研究 How Parents in Taiwan Evaluate and Classify Higher Education’s Quality and Other Characteristics╱湯堯、蘇建洲
足量運動及運動時間點對高中生體適能、創造思考能力與數學學科成就之影響 The Effect of the Sufficiency and Timing of Physical Exercise on High School Students’ Physical Fitness, Creative Thinking, and Mathematics Achievement╱吳品錞、楊雅婷、楊宜青
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