Shadows From The Abyss
Description:... This is the first volume of a patriotic poet whose heart is on fire. The poems touch on a variety of issues, some personal and private, other public - past and current. They range from family, love and longing; friendship and marriage, to culture, politics, corruption and death. They are cadenced and vibrant with different emotions: nostalgia, regret and outrage; loss, pain and pathos tinged with a touch of wistfulness and irony. In style and themes, they reveal a keen observer, a budding poet struggling to find her stride; to mine the shallows and the deeps of human experience, to give a unique expressive voice to the human condition. With a wide range of emotions, Mbunda touches on a variety of turbulent issues muddying the waters. But she is not without hope; she believes the volcano will only erupt if her call is unheeded.
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