IFLA Communications 1991
A Bibliography of IFLA Conference Papers
Description:... This annual bibliography lists 232 papers and reports presented at meetings and seminars held or sponsored by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in 1991. The first of two parts lists papers delivered at the general conference, workshops, and pre-session seminar. These papers are listed under the heading of the IFLA professional group divisions that organized the meetings These divisions are: (1) General Research Libraries; (2) Special Libraries; (3) Libraries Serving the General Public; (4) Bibliographic Control; (5) Collections and Services; (6) Management and Technology; (7) Education and Research; and (8) Regional Activities. The second part of the bibliography lists papers delivered at meetings held outside of the general conference and throughout the year. Entries are given in a simplified ISBD form using English as the cataloging language. Each entry provides information on title, subtitle, author(s), number of pages, references, and page number of the original language version. Papers are cited by their language of origin; when translations are available, they are listed by title, subtitle, and paper number as notes to the entries. The author index provides references to the entry numbers and lists the libraries and other institutions where the authors are employed. Most of the papers are available from the IFLA resource centers and regional offices (the addresses for which are appended), or from the secretary of the sections under whose auspices the meetings were held. General conference papers are also available through ERIC. A list of 31 IFLA professional reports and a form for ordering them are also provided. (KRN).
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