Nutrition in the 1980s
Constraints on Our Knowledge : Proceedings of the Western Hemisphere Nutrition Congress VI, Held in Los Angeles, California, August 10-14, 1980
Description:... Abstract: Proceedings of the Western Hemisphere Nutrition Congress reflect analysis of the current state of scientificknowledge, methods used to determine the needs of individuals and populations, and procedures for establishingnational policies and priorities for nutrition intervention programs. General topics include methods of assessing food intake and nutritional status; the effect of diet on immunosuppression; and disease and nutrition intervention through supplementary feeding programs. A discussion of nutrition's relationship to health and disease includes discussions of anemia, zinc and copper, cardiovascular disease, and infant malnutrition. A review of nutritional status in the Western hemisphere focuses on Canada, the US, and Central and South America. Technology's role in improving the food supply and national nutrition policies ofWestern countries also is covered. (ds).
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