Fears Woods The Corn Field 1-3 planned Series.
Planned books to start Fears Woods The Corn Field 1. It is a child's beginning. Family-friendly zone. The book is more like a children's theme for teenagers seen for this first apart. As horror, vhs, fan and fiction, Children's books.
In the first of the series, Tomas Furry. Dejavu develops hallucinations and insomnia from sleep.
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep, which has three different stages. Trough what he's still tripping over sleep mode.
Facing the disease of sleep deprivation. He has no sleep paralysis. On the contrary, he lays deeper into lucid dreaming.
In his dreams, he often goes into the Lucid Nightmares section, a dream, dreamcore to second that is not easily caught getting out of waking from sleep part side, which blocking him from waking up. Otherwise. Cause of Hypnagogic hallucinations happens.
In the next 2-3 series, the defects of the 13 year old child begin to worsen. They begin to come alive as creatures of nightmares, mares, delusions, and illusion. Up normal vision of lucid dreaming on Liminal Spaces. Interliminality traps.
Friends from Hawk's school named after the town they come from try to help him with his complicated life experiences.
Later, the nightmares manifest themselves in the citizens of Hawk, a town of 25,689 in Hawk Woods County.
They find with an Alberta psychologist that the causes are. Either childhood traumas. Conversely, bad experiences with classmates.
Plus they're suspicious of the two highlights of the two ripped apart animals on the tracks near the Furries' home and Clark Teddy's residence.
People will disappear. Familiar sleep disorders type of Schyzophrenia from the up normal energy spawn from Corn Filed out has own Conspiracy.
Where pets are starting to go missing in the dead body finds.
near the town is a part of the forest zone called Fict Wood. which is considered to be a landscape-protected area, where normal noises happen in the evening, shabby, the arrival rushes and passes through the trees, goes out to the city, causes night gloom. And paranormal Subdivides.
Sheriff Deen Grower gets a description that must exist, a human animal, a creature, anti a humiliating thing causes it.
A trespass on the property sets off a search throughout the Hawk towns, Sandy Town, Induhaia, Indiana the nears of Fict Wood zone.
All centred around a cornfield near her home just across the tracks where fictional apparitions and paranormal conspiracies of something lurking in the depths of the field take place.
They start spouting conspiracy theories about energies pulling through the field with the Sander Hole called as ''Sent Holer'' that Mark Healer has marked by an acryl highlighter marker pen in home made map on big cartoon board. It's point of spawning dangers crystal monsters start coming out of the field like animals looking for food. The terror begins in the predators of Thomas and Mark's highlighted VHS 1980 dream vision.
Others from child bands' researches, which includes the abandoned Minoret Minors´ house. Their explode explores.
There will be Book of Fears Woods Shortages per 120-230 pages.
About Cryptids and all appearances of fictive paranormal characters alike Hodowodock, Tid-Hod, Red Deer with Ruby Eyes or a winged flying op monkey skeleton, The Gate Holer.
The band of 6 children get lost in the corn field at the Halloween's before the school city's Bald Ball eve's event. Just as the field comes to life. The nightmares start coming out. Prior to this Tomas experiences multy paranormal fictional visions about the predictions he sees fictionally around the themes of what really happens.
And demolish the residents who begin to arm themselves against them and Crystal Bears Attacks.
The owners of Cranwall The Corn Field are going to have their eyes shot out. From what Jessie Septen took a picture of his classmate Richie Vile in the photos down in front of Towny Hall of the city. Like Photo-shoot.
As it. Like a Merlot punch wine at the end of all the action, he will be shown. I will write about book of cryptids soon in Fears Woods.