Army Regulation AR 600-20 Army Command Policy July 2020
Description:... This major revision to United States Army publication, Army Regulation AR 600-20 Army Command Policy July 2020, prescribes the policies and responsibilities of command, which include the Army Ready and Resilient Campaign Plan, military discipline and conduct, the Army Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program, the Army Harassment Prevention and Response Program, and the Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program.This regulation implements DoDI 1020.03, DoDI 1300.17, DoDI 1325.02, DoDI 1325.06; DoDI 1342.22; DoDI 5240.22, DoDI 5240.26, DoDI 5505.18; DoDI 6495.02; DoDI 6495.03, DoDD 1350.2, DoDD 6495.01, DoDD 5205.16 and DoDD 7050.06. Also, it prescribes the policy and responsibility of command, which include the Army Ready and Resilient Campaign Plan, military discipline and conduct, the Army Equal Opportunity Program, and the Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program. The 30-day advanced publication requirement has been waived because the revision implements previously published law, DoD directives and instructions, and Army directives that need to be consolidated and communicated to the field as soon as possible. This regulation applies to the Regular Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. It also applies to all assigned, attached, or operationally controlled U.S. Army Corrections Command personnel, and all Army Corrections System prisoners incarcerated in Army Corrections System facilities. Chapters 6 and 7 and appendix E apply to members of the Army National Guard of the United States when on active duty Title 10 orders, for 30 days or more. In all other cases, members of the Army National Guard are governed by regulations issued by the Chief, National Guard Bureau consistent with Chief, National Guard Bureau's authorities under 32 USC 110, 10 USC 10503, and DoDD 5105.77. It also applies where stated to Department of the Army Civilians. Portions of this regulation that prescribe specific conduct are punitive, and violations of these provisions may subject offenders to nonjudicial or judicial action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The equal opportunity terms found in the glossary are applicable only to uniformed personnel. AR 690-600 and AR 690-12 contains similar terms that are applicable to Department of the Army Civilians.
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