A 20th-Century Hoax (the Case for Study: Adolph Hitler)______________·_________
Description:... 阿道夫-希特勒是不是一个犹太人? 英国《每日邮报》2010年8月23日报道根据最新出炉的DNA检测结果希特勒可能是犹太人或北非人的后裔。而北非人和犹太人在遗传学上、在体质人类学而不是文化人类学上,其实是具有相当重合的。犹太人的后裔为何如此仇恨犹太人并且大力推行灭犹政策?这正是本书要回答的问题。 作者谢选骏发现,并且犹太人的后裔大力推行灭犹政策,不是孤立现象;而是一个具有普遍意义的"二十世纪的政治骗局"。那就是"消灭剥削阶级"的革命运动,其领导人多是"剥削阶级出身",其目的不是为了"解放无产阶级",而是为了让自身成为"垄断剥削的阶级"。 Synopsis: Is Adolph Hitler a Jew or not? Xie Xuanjun the author has discovered that the Jewish descendants have pursued-- in a big way-- a policy of wiping out the Jews is not an isolated phenomenon, but a case of a widespread 20th-century hoax, namely, the revolutionary campaign of wiping out the exploiting class. Most of the leaders of this campaign were themselves descendants of the exploiting class, and their purpose in launching the revolutionary campaign was not to liberate the proletariat, but rather to become monopolizers of exploitations.
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