The Smart Guide to Maintaining Synthetic Sports Turf (Long Pile)
Description:... The popularity of the synthetic sports surfaces has seen more than 100 fields installed in Australia for various football codes, with another 50 already being planned. Historically the perception was that you could play 24/7 on the fields and little maintenance was required. Written by Australian synthetic sports turf expert Martin Sheppard, in conjunction with Europe's leading expert Alastair Cox; The Smart Guide to Maintaining Synthetic Sports Turf (Long Pile) brings together the best thinking globally. It addresses the importance and principles of maintenance; the type of maintenance that typically needs to be completed; the machines to use; research from the world governing body for Football (FIFA) together with typical schedules for consideration.Targeted at the key investors in synthetic surfaces in Australia including local government; sport and the education sectors Sheppard stated "the average life expectancy of synthetic sports fields is around ten years and cost in excess of $1.2 m to install, yet some purchasers believe the old sales spin that you can play on them 24 hours a day and no maintenance is needed. This isn't true".
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