Improving Math and Science Teaching
A Report on the Secretary's October 1992 Conference on Improving Mathematics and Science Teaching and Instructional Resources
Description:... A 1992 conference on mathematics and science teaching focused on two specific topics: enhanced professional development for educators and better instructional materials for the classroom. Teachers, members of Congress, governors, teacher educators, professors, researchers, and policymakers shared what they believed was needed to be done to improve mathematics and science education in the United States. This booklet reports the views of the participants and the general consensus of the conference regarding changes needed in the education system. The concepts of systemic reform in education and the setting of national standards as exemplified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics are discussed in section 1. The second section discusses the necessity of providing all children with an opportunity to learn mathematics and science. The third section reports the participants' views emphasizing courses that teach mathematics and science for understanding. The fourth section discusses the necessity to prepare teachers of math and science to higher standards of skill and knowledge. Extensive professional development to help practicing teachers enhance their skills is suggested. The fifth section examines the need for the development of better instructional materials for the mathematics and science classroom. Finally, 20 recommendations in the following 4 themes are reported: (1) standards; (2) improving mathematics and science teaching; (3) instructional materials; and (4) systemic change. A list of presenters and demonstrators and a statement of principles on school reform in mathematics and science are provided. (MDH)
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