DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Sammlung ostdeutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen
Description:... A collection of decisions of East German (Soviet occupation authority and GDR) courts in trials for war crimes resulting in death or intended to result in death. In a few hundred cases, the victims were Jews. The supplementary volume includes comprehensive indexes to names of the accused (full names of those sentenced to death or lifelong imprisonment or deceased, and of well-known persons; abbreviated names to protect the identity of the rest); the organizations in which they served; the courts; the nature of the victims (e.g. soldiers, civilians, Jews, gypsies); type of crime; country, locale, and date of crime; and the punishment imposed. The supplementary volume includes an exposition on the legal basis of the trials by Günther Wieland, "Die Ahndung von NS-Verbrechen in Ostdeutschland 1945-1990" (p. 13-94), the texts of the relevant GDR and international laws, and texts of Nazi government and army directives ordering criminal acts, including the Wannsee protocol. Contents:
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