The Reformation of Millennial Christians
Description:... This book is designed to explore a way to transform the Millennial mind-set that will reestablish a strong religious foundation in Christ and move the Millennials back into the church. It will explore what a transformational program needs to contain to effectively reform the Millennials' mind-set and how this transformational program can affect the church. Research will be done to define the Millennial problem, the Millennial culture, the Millennial view of the church, and ways to create a dynamic, spiritual, and effective Millennial transformational curriculum program that will bring Millennials back into the church. The Millennials (the largest generation in modern American history) are the least religious of any generation. Most Millennials are unable to define their beliefs, which is compounded by the fact that 65 percent of Millennials do not regularly attend worship services. I find these two statements very unsettling and very disturbing for several reasons. First, the solvency and future of the church rests in the hands of the Millennials. Second, if Millennials can't define apologetically their beliefs, how will they withstand the frustrations and temptations of a secular world? Third, if 65 percent of Millennials don't regularly attend worship services, spiritual growth will be minimized or become nonexistent. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
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