Description:... Bees is a detailed guide on beekeeping by the American apiculturist, scholar, and innovator in the beekeeping field, E.F. Phillips, written to direct people towards the proper beekeeping practices. Beekeeping for fun and profit is carried on by many people in all parts of the United States. It is usually inadvisable to undertake extensive beekeeping without substantial prior experience on a small scale since there are so many little details that go to make up success in the work. Beekeeping demands hard work and correct timing; otherwise, the rest of the honey may be ruined or lost. This work aims to answer all those questions an intermediate or an amateur beekeeper has about all the details, procedures, methods, and types of equipment, anything from minor to more significant. Phillips talks about all the necessary subjects concerning beekeeping: Location of the apiary; Equipment in apparatus; Directions for general manipulations; Swarm management and increase; Preparation for the harvest, and many more essential matters proven to be helpful to the fresh beekeepers.
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