Digital Video Production Cookbook
- Author(s): Chris Kenworthy,
- Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
- Pages: 192
- ISBN_10: 0596100310
ISBN_13: 9780596100315
- Language: en
- Categories: Computers / General , Computers / Software Development & Engineering / Computer Graphics , Computers / Interactive & Multimedia , Computers / Design, Graphics & Media / Video & Animation , Games & Activities / Video & Mobile , Performing Arts / Film / General , Performing Arts / Film / Direction & Production , Photography / Techniques / Cinematography & Videography , Technology & Engineering / Television & Video ,
Description:... Have you ever watched a big-budget Hollywood movie and wondered "How did they do that?" or, perhaps, "How can I do that?" While digital technology greatly simplifies the filmmaking process, there are many tried-and-true production tricks that only those lucky enough to work in the world of high-budget professional film production get to know. The truth is that setting up a car chase, making a realistic-looking alien, staging a fistfight, creating atmospheric lighting, and using special effects are often not as difficult to master as you might think. Digital Video Production Cookbook will show you how to create sophisticated-looking visual effects, dramatic shots, and powerful sequences using low-cost methods adapted from high-end professional techniques. Author and award-winning filmmaker Chris Kenworthy explains how you can use a digital video camera and basic editing software, to create high-end production values with household equipment and a little imagination.
The book includes easy-to-follow recipes for:
- Creating bluescreen effects
- Simulating rain, snow, and other natural phenomena
- Working with backlighting, simulated candlelight, and special lighting effects
- Shooting day for night
- Staging safe stunts, chase scenes, and fistfights
- Makeup techniques for aging, bruises, and serious injuries
- Shooting at night
- Working with camera movement
- Adding special effects such as laser bolts, holograms, and explosions
and much more. Packed with full-color, step-by-step instructions, inspirational examples, and authoritative information and advice, this book is the ultimate, no-nonsense cookbook for every aspiring digital filmmaker.
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