Basics of Acupuncture
Description:... Gabriel Stux, M.D., is chairman of the German Acupuncture Society D sseldorf, and director of the Acupuncture Center. He has practised and taught acupuncture worldwide since 1977. Dr. Stux is the author and co-author of several books on acupuncture in German. Bruce Pomeranz, M.D., Ph.D., has taught zoology at the University of Toronto since 1968 and physiology at the same university since 1982. He obtained his M.D. and C.M. at McGill University in 1961 and his Ph. D. at Harvard in 1967. He was Assistant Professor at M. I. T. from 1966 to 1968. Prof. Pomeranz has contributed 46 papers on acupuncture and, together with Dr. Stux, is author of the standard textbook: Acupuncture, Textbook and Atlas. Basics of Acupuncture is a unique introductory book; for the first time Western science and medicine are combined with traditional Chinese concepts. It begins with a review of the scientific basis of acupuncture and relevant research. An introduction to the philosophy and theory of traditional Chinese medicine is then followed by a detailed account of diagnosis and description of the Chinese system of channels, functional organs and most important acupuncture points. The remainder of the book is devoted to treatment, based on Western modes of diagnosis. The methods and applications of needling and moxibustion are described, and the most important points are given for frequently encountered diseases. From a review in a German journal: ..".this book was written by a physician for physicians and medical students alike and is characterized by a high degree of practical relevance...In addition to describing the 120 most important acupuncture points and depicting them in clear illustrations, this volume also provides a survey of the therapeutic principles and the selection of acupuncture points for the most important diseases..."
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