Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam 2022
Description:... 1. The book is a complete study guide for Assam Police Constable recruitment exam
2. Entire syllabus is divided into 5 sections
3. Current Affairs has been allotted a special section
4. Practice questions are provided for revision
Napoleon Hill once said, “Your big Opportunity may be right where you are now.” State Level Police Recruitment Board – Assam Police has recently released about 597vacancy for the posts of Sub Inspector (SI) for the recruitment. Candidates who are willing to make their careers in Assam Police Constable grab this opportunity now.
Make yourself well prepared with currently revised for “Assam Police Sub Inspector Recruitment exam.” that has been carefully prepared for the candidates who are preparing for the upcoming exam. Proving as a complete study guide, this book is divided into 5 main subjects, giving the complete coverage to the syllabus. A special section is also provided for the current affairs. Each chapter has been well explained in details for better conceptual clarity. Practice Questions are also given in the book, to get the insights of the paper pattern.
Current Affairs, Current and History of Assam, General Knowledge, Comprehension Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude.
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