Orbs and the Afterlife
Survival of the Soul
Description:... Discover the link between the orb phenomenon and our true identities as eternal souls
- Read firsthand accounts of orb encounters.
- Learn the secrets of great orb photography.
- Learn to identify the difference between lens flare and real orbs.
- Discover how orbs are connected to near-death experiences and the human soul.
- View photographs of deceased loved ones requested to appear as orbs.
- See photographs of the tunnel described by near-death experiencers through which we travel after the death of our physical body.
Drawn from Virginia's years of research and experience with the orb phenomenon, she includes over one hundred-sixy photographs, and stories from around the world corroborating this connection--validated by doctors, scientists and healthcare workers.
Her connection with the orb phenomenon started with the appearance of a brilliant ball of light or orb, twenty months after the death of her son. From there, it led to people, places, research and experiences that revealed the workings of a divine plan and clues to our eternal nature hidden in plain sight.
VIRGINIA M. HUMMEL is the Chairman of Orb Encounters at Eternea.org. She is a writer, inspirational speaker and researcher on Spiritually Transformative Experiences and the Orb Phenomenon.
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