Naked and Not Ashamed
Hard Lessons But Better Choices
Description:... Naked and Not Ashamed is about a woman who grew up on the streets of Liberty City surrounded by a life full of drugs, alcohol, violence and uncertainty would ever come out from her distasteful environment and become the woman that God has design for her to be. During Sabrina's childhood she was molested and was led into a life full of promiscuity, broken relationships and making bad decisions for over twenty years. Raised by her mother and abused by men that were supposed to be her father, her leaders and close relatives, Sabrina did not know her self-worth or where she had come from since her father was not in her life. On this journey to discovering her identity and her true purpose she met many people from all walks of life sharing the same stories and the same pains as her, but she also discovers that in order to move ahead she must first close the gaps of her dreadful past and forgive those that abuse her while finding her way as becoming a woman and a minister. As she embarks on this journey there were many pitfalls, dark tunnels and rejection that she had to endure. She would have to also face those that once cared for her and confront her father about why he wasn't in her life, but it is through this discovery that Sabrina also finds that God unlocks the doors of her past and gives her peace and understanding of why she went through the abuse. After overcoming many adversities in life, Sabrina goals, dreams and a vision she saw for herself years ago had begun to surface once she began to heal and accept life for what it truly is. Sabrina shares her fears, tears and intimate moments of being vulnerable, transparently and narrates her life story with foundational scriptures and hard felt poetry. She exclaims, "If you just Let go and Allow God" to lead and guide you, then you will discover that He knows the way home. Sabrina finally triumphs through her missing pieces to her puzzle when she finally realizes her GOD GIVEN POTENTIAL!
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