Front Office Management in Hospitality Lodging Operations
Description:... An Instructor's Manual is available to institutions adopting the book. Please contact: Front Office Management in Hospitality Lodging Operations offers comprehensive coverage of topics related to front office operations, including a review of technologies currently in use, and an array of situations students and professionals re bound to find on the job. Written with the future front office manager in mind, the book allows its users to apply its content with practical case studies presented in each chapter. It is invaluable as both an instructional guide for teachers and as a resource for, lodging professionals, offering the necessary tools to stay competitive in this advancing industry. This practical, easy-to-read text uses a straightforward approach to help solidify and apply information. - Applies a hands-on approach to completing tasks and understanding concepts. - Presents its content in a clear, friendly way instead of being overly academic. - Features operational situations and cases that are discussion-worthy, thought-provoking and challenging. - Includes a chapter in career planning to assist students with finding their post-graduation positions. Students in 4-year, 2-year, and technical hospitality programs as well as industry professionals will find this book worthwhile.
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