Self Help Group and Comprehensive Empowerment of Women in Rural Area
Description:... Women population constitutes nearly 49% of the total population of India. Empowerment of rural woman is necessary for the development of each and every society & country. Author has focused on ‘Self Help Group and Comprehensive Empowerment of Women in Rural Area, because it is very significant for development of women in rural area. Present subject is related to commerce, Economic, Sociology, Human Science, Human Rights, and Social Welfare also.
Present book is useful to study the Empowerment of women and performance of SHGs in Maharashtra and all over country. Women are indivisible or integral part of society. Without women society is incomplete. Investigation of working process of SHGs is useful to Government Implementing agencies /Institutions and member of Self Help Groups in deciding their policy and implementing it for Socio Economic development.
This book is designed to Provide guidance to the student, research scholars, social workers, women and government at large. It is the humble desire of the author that the students, researchers, women and social workers will make it convenient to study this boon on empowerment of rural women.
The book has been designed with a multidimensional approach towards the significance, implementation procedure, drawbacks, socio-economic analysis and ways for improving SHGs Schemes of the Government. The book consists valuable data collected from various agencies implementing the schemes of the Government. Various statistical methods have been used to reach the result. So, the book will be useful & helpful to all the relevant people working on rural development, socio-economic planning &development.
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