Business has never been this good! Make Quantum leaps in your business and career by discovering:
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* Communication That Builds Relationships
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* How to Conduct Meeting and Produce Results
Unleash your natural genius...and your self-confidence will soar! Follow theseproven principles to advancement, respect...and success! "QuantumBusiness" builds on the foundation of Quantum Learning, the breakthroughmethod for developing superior mind power that has been revolutionizing howpeople learn the world over.
Whether you're starting a career, changing jobs, or growing a company, "Quantum Business" shows you a whole new way to go--a more creativeteam-oriented approach that is a groundbreaking blend of accelerated learningtechniques and powerful management strategies.
"Quantum Business" is a hands-on, practical workbook that puts the keys tosuccess in your hands today. The results: less stress, better performance, anda more fulfilling way of doing business that will make you a winner in yourcareer and your life. Discover:
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* Practical techniques for maximizing your innate talents for excitingresults
* Exercises you can do right now that dramatically improve workplacerapport and productivity
* Quantum Learning's valuable secrets that enable you to performmiracles with your memory, reading ability, and writing proficiency
* Right-brain/left-brained discoveries that can boost youto levels ofcreativity and competence you've never reached before
* Motivational techniques that jump-start your enthusiasm, help youinspire others, and keep you performing at your peak
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"I chose a Quantum Business workshop for my company's Day of Excellence. Itwas one of the most memorable, energizing, and helpful infusions of informationand techniques we've ever experienced."
--Kenneth Blanchard, Ph.D. Co-author, " The One Minute Manager"
"For anyone who wishes to be a leader, "Quantum Business" needs to be ontheir 21st-century library shelf."
--Tony Buzan, Chairman of The Brain Foundation, author of "The Mind MapBook"
"Every person in business needs both to continue to learn and to create apositive work environment. This book is a highly useful guide to personaldevelopment in both areas."
--J. Michael Giles, CEO of Merrill Lynch International Private Banking Group
"Good news for the future of global business! Bobbi DePorter once again takesa quantum leap in offering us yet another enlightening, comprehensive, andpractical guide to achieving success in business and life. Bravo!"
--Chungliang Al Huang, author of "Embrace the Tiger,"" Return to theMountain," and co-author of "Mentoring"
"This book offers many insightful and meaningful ideas for business and careersuccess. Worth reading!"
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