Last of Its Kind - First of This Kind:
Early 1990S Senate Campaigns - Transformed from Ordinary to Calls for More Women & Change
Description:... It was a tale of two cycles. The 1990 Senate election landscape rewarded popular incumbents and was largely devoid of national themes. There were colorful, headline grabbing moments and a near-shocker or two yet all but one Senator seeking another term was granted it. The 1992 landscape had no such clarity. A downward economy sparked the call for new ideas and backlash from the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill sexual harassment hearings started a furious movement that led to the “Year of the Woman.” Both themes converged to set the stage for “change.” The precursor was an unexpected race in Pennsylvania between those two cycles that, but for a plane crash would not have happened. This book profiles the most competitive races of those cycles. Readers will become acquainted with the issues, personalities and the men and women who personified the status quo, change and everything in between.
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