Vox Populi, Vox Dei
Being True Maxims of Government : Proving I. That All Kings, Governours, and Forms of Government Proceed from the People, II. The Nature of Our Constitution is Fairly Stated, with the Original Contract Between King & People, and a Journal of the Late Revolution, III. That Resisting of Tyrannical Power is Allow'd by Scripture and Reason, IV. That the Children of Israel Did Often Resist and Turn Out Their Evil Princes, and that God Almighty Did Approve of Resistance, V. That the Primitive Christians Did Often Resist Their Tyrannical Emperors, and that Bishop Athanasius, St. Chrysostom, Luther, and Melancthon, &c. Did Approve of Resistance, VI. That the Protestants in All Ages Did Resist Their Evil and Destructive Princes, VII. Together with a Historical Account of the Depriving of Kings for Their Evil Government in Israel, France, Spain, Scotland, &c. and in England Before and Since the Conquest, VIII. That Absolute Passive-obedience is a Damnable and Treasonable Doctrine. By Contradicting the Glorious Attributes of God, and Incouraging of Rebellion, Usurpation and Tyranny : To which No Answer Will be Made, Or Dare be Made, Or Can be Made, Without Treason, Not to be Behind Mr. Lesley, Or Any Jacobite Assurance