The Ministry, Vol. 04, No. 03
The Way to Bear Fruit (4) & Crystallization-Study of Revelation (1b)
Description:... In this issue of The Ministry, Brother Lee stresses our need to realize that we are branches in the vine for bearing fruit and grains of wheat for bringing forth many grains. According to its history, the church in general has had the concept that we must do a work of preaching. In the Lord’s recovery, however, our concept must be radically changed. We should not put our trust in the preaching work; rather, we must stress fruit-bearing. For this, we must abide in Christ, be willing to die, be pruned, and then go to contact people by imparting Christ to them with and in brotherly love. In this way, we will see the increase of Christ and the spread of the kingdom of God through our remaining fruit. The following messages continue the Crystallization-study of Revelation, given in the summer training of 1999. Message Four presents a full revelation of Christ in His coming back concerning His person and His work. The Lord’s coming back is also related to the prophecy of the four “sevens,” which include the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven bowls, and the last seven years of this present age. Message Five speaks of the intrinsic significance and the subjective experience of the golden lampstand. The lampstand with its golden nature, form, and seven lamps signifies the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The lampstand also signifies the church as the reproduction of Christ and the reprint of the Spirit. Such revelation needs our subjective experience so that we may become the reproduction of the lampstand, the expression of the Triune God. Message Six presents a full view of Christ as the Son of Man walking in the midst of the golden lampstands. He is the High Priest girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle, cherishing the churches in His humanity and nourishing them with His divinity. Last of all, we include reports describing the Lord’s move in the Ukraine and in Armenia and among the elders and responsible ones in a recent training in Ventura, California.
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