WikiMoney 1: Practical Manual to Make Money in the Stock Market
Stock Market and Monetary Encyclopedia
Description:... "The banking and financial system can not expropriate or constantly plundering the resources of a territory through the divine intervention of the central banks and issuing debt-money created from nothing only for its large private banks that enslave humanity through invented fraudulent debt and associated interest payments that has not been created, the latter being the cause of the deficit and the ongoing perpetual bankruptcy inevitable absence all the money in the system.
You return to a Global Management Human Affairs depoliticized the power to issue debt-free money to replace all the existing money supply, and interest associated create public spending intended to replace and eliminate taxes while taxing unfairly work and consumption.
Cancelled Debt, Start Disable Fractional Reserve Banking reserves and increase public and private banks to 100%, ie only pay what they can not allow them to create fraudulent loans based on the collection of notes (promises payment) in exchange for granting fictitious credit with no money and this principle the cause of inflation is nothing more than a hidden tax on the public and that is the new debt-money created earlier than detract from the existing system, while reducing the purchasing power of society as prices rise, further manipulated by the global financial casino that governs us.
In this casino , meet all DES- cracies ; Bank - kleptocracy , and plutocracy , How to play?, To submit to his will more lucrative to all mankind , some call this game Democracy.
However, they are losing the game , the entire socio- economic system they created, hierarchical pyramid, is coming to an end, suffers irreparable structural damage from its origin and foundation.
But until that happens the collapse of the monetary system after entering the humanitarian aspect of science and technology , we'll play your game.
Will raise several analyzes that include a set of highly effective methods. His guidelines and patterns, help us to identify the migration flow of monetary to destinations selfishly determined.
Does anyone know the rules of the game? , Needless , are very simple, deal the cards up. And how avoid this trap? Even easier , playing with theirs trying to match the game.
To this end, born WikiBolsa :
Market and Monetary Encyclopedia that informs and Share Openly Applied Codes and Methods to Make Money on all Money Market , Exchange, Fixed Income , Derivatives and Foreign Exchange.
Includes 5 Volumes:
• " Practical Manual to Make Money on the Stock Market " ,
• " Th€ Art of the Bitche$ "
• " Homemade and Simple Investment Strategies to Make Money on the Stock Exchange and Fixed Income "
• " Forex Gump: Forrest Silly Brother "
• " Homemade and Simple Investment Strategies to Make Money with Derivatives Market "
Welcome to the First Volume, We Wait you at the Online Extension http//
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