The Southampton Guide
Or, an Account of the Ancient and Present State of that Town. Its Trade, Public Buildings, Charitable Foundations, Churches, Fairs, Markets, Playhouse, Assembly Rooms, Baths, &c. Together with a Description of the Isle of Wight Netley Abbey New Forest Lymington Lyndhurst Redbridge Romsey Broadlands Bellevue Bevis Mount St. Dennis Titchfield, &c. Interspersed with Many Curious and Useful Particulars. To which are Added Rules Observed in the Subscription News Room ; Terms of Board and Lodging ; the Going Out and Coming in of the Mail ; Account of Packets and Hoys ; Rates of Chairs ; Perpetual Tide-Table ; a List of the Stage Coaches, Carriers, &c. and the Days They Set Out from Southampton, with the Places where They Inn, &c. Also The Distances, in Measured Miles, of Some Useful Roads from Southampton ; with an Alphabetical List of the Cities and Principal Towns in Great Britain, Also Measured from Southampton