Financial Inclusion of Street vendors
Description:... On the path of achieving inclusive growth and adhering to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, which envisages inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all, the ground-level situation of this huge section of the informal sector in India needs to be mainstreamed into the economic policies. Studies estimate that 11% per cent of the urban workforce in India is engaged in street vending. The problems faced by these sellers are unique, as they struggle not only to make their ends meet by selling on the streets facing all vagaries of the whether but also many times are at the receiving end of the civic bodies and law enforcement agencies. The government in India has taken commendable initiatives to bring this informal sector into the formal financial sector through its financial inclusion. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, the flagship financial inclusion scheme started by the Government in 2014 aims at assuring financial access to everyone without a bank account. The drive of financial inclusion does not stop just at opening an account but also aims to facilitate access to credit and micro insurance. This book will be good and resourceful reading for anyone interested to know about the global, national and regional status of the financial inclusion of street vendors and would initiate further discussions on the subject through the in-depth analysis of various critical issues covered in this book.
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