Title to Submerged Lands
Hearings Before the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, United States Senate, Seventy-sixth Congress, First Session, on S.J.Res. 83, a Joint Resolution Relative to the Establishment of a Naval Petroleum Reserve in the Submerged Lands Along and Adjacent to the Coast of the State of California; and S.J.Res. 92, a Joint Resolution Declaring the Conservation of Petroleum Deposits Underlying Submerged Lands Adjacent to and Along the Coast of California, Below Low-water Mark and Under the Territorial Waters of the United States of America, Essential for National Defense, Maintenance of the Navy, and Regulation and Protection of Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Reserving the Same as a Naval Petroleum Reserve, Subject to Any Superior Vested Right, Title, Or Interest; and Authorizing Appropriate Judicial Proceedings to Assert, Ascertain, Establish, and Maintain the Right and Interest of the United States of America in Such Reserve, and to Eject Trespassers. March 27,28,29, and 30, 1939