Phigix & Me...
Me a Cranck....
All of my life's observations, thinking, reminiscing, etc.. put in a book for everyone to read for anytime of their lives...
A must have... since it signifies and denotes the technological wizardry, which I have created and developed as systems, including my economics, and the scientific discipline of biology as advanced communication bio tech engineering.
Which is in a different book, Bio - Techno works, of bio engineering and its principles, which will, and as per the factual worldwide records, as my achievements, has and have, paved and pave, the way, for the regenerative bio technology.
Also now for everyone, why you must purchase this book,
;P other than the fact that I have cursed everyone to buy it or else...
Is that I have explained the entire subject of physics and particle matter in such an elucidative manner and style, that even an ordinary person, even without any, or zero, or even a minus knowledge, of the subject matter of physics and particle physics, can very well and easily, understand the same.
Including children, right from kindergarten, itself.
So that everyone, can now become an Expert on Physics...
My book, contains the entire factual information, on physics and its theories. It also outlines the principles of particle physics, which factually prove that infinite speeds, in infinite exponential speeds, in excess of the speed of light, itself, are possible, for light and matter, to travel anywhere, in the universe or creation, itself.
Now... My Role.. as me being myself... and since being .. the unusual personality that I am...
Created this EMRFC processor, which can utilize and create and store energy and particle RF transfer state as infinite informational perpetual processing system ...
Can store infinite information in parallel, random and sequential processing each within one another about the entire information of all of creation, right from its start to its end...
Within a single processing chip the size less than the tip of my fingernail...
Further more, My book, details, the factual creation, the engineering, and the developmental structure, of the process, of the system, and the mechanism, and of particle physics,
Of Time Travel, Itself.... 🚀
So you can have the opportunity of a life time to become a Time Traveler...
And I am the factual creator and developer of
The Time Machine...
This book reveals, how to make one, and become a Time Traveler..
Reality, is now bent ...
The Adventure of a Life time....