مقدمـة: الرؤية الاستراتيجية للتعامل مع مشاريع التغيير الخارجية في المنطقة العربية
الفصل الأول: المشــــــــروع الأمريكـــــــــــــي
الفصل الثاني: المشــــــروع الصهيونـــــي
الفصل الثالث: المشــــــــــروع الإيـرانـــــــي
الفصل الرابع: المشاريــــــــع الأخـــــــــــرى: التركي والأوروبي، الصيني والهندي
الفصل الخامس: المشـــــــــروع الإسلامــــــــــي
الفصل السادس: المشــــــروع القومـــي العربــــــي
الفصل السابع: مستقبل المنطقة العربية في ظل هذه المشاريع عام 2015
Change Projects in the Arab Region and its Future
The Arab world is witnessing major strategic shifts on political,
military, economic and social levels. It has been in a state of
instability for a number of years due to several conflicts. This has had
negative consequences on the socio-political situation in general and
on security in particular. Amidst such serious conditions, the region
has become under threat from numerous schemes, each of which aims
to deepen its influence and impose full control.
Thus, the Middle East Studies Center decided to design a book – a
product of a conference titled Arab World's Projects of Change and
Their Future. It was organized in the Jordanian capital, Amman,
during October 19-21, 2010 in cooperation with Kuwaiti Mujtama'
Magazine. Twenty-five research papers were presented in twelve