Geology of the Arctic
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Arctic Geology (Vol. 2)
Description:... The structure of the central part of the Soviet Arctic is a result of prolonged tectonic development which took place in seven main stages (tectonic periods). The structures formed comprised structural stages during each period respectively. The time limits of each stage were not entirely penecontemporaneous in adjacent regions. Thus, the main features of the tectonic development of the central Soviet Arctic are recurrent changes of the tectonic pattern and erosion processes at the end of each tectonic period and of each phase of its development.
At the meeting of the First International Symposium on Arctic Geology held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, January 11th to 13th, 1960, a number of instructive, interesting, and original papers on this topic were presented, and essentially all of them are printed in the pages of The Geology of the Arctic volumes I and II.
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