Anpassung und Widerstand
über den unvernünftigen und vernünftigen Gebrauch der Vernunft
Description:... A collection of essays, most of them published previously. "Mein Judesein" [from "Die unfassbare Gewissheit" (Wien: Europaverlag, 1981)] (35-53) and "Über den Hass" [from "Essays zur täglichen Weltgeschichte" (Wien: Europaverlag, 1981)] (99-126) deal with the nature and history of antisemitism. In "Die polizistische Geschichtsauffassung" [from "Essays zur täglichen Weltgeschichte"] (69-98), comments on the communists' efforts to portray the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as antisemitic at the very time that they themselves were staging antisemitic trials in Eastern Europe. Wilhelm von Sternburg's introduction, "Der Tod, dieser nicht enden wollende Skandal: Leben und Werk des treuen Ketzers Manès Sperber" (9-33), describes Sperber's life, including his experience of antisemitism and the trauma of the Holocaust.
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