Escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie
Description:... This book describes the exciting adventures ofBonnie Prince Charlie over five months afterhis defeat at the battle of Culloden in 1746.On the run from his Hanoverian enemies, hedesperately sought a ship in which to escapefrom Scotland. In the process, he and a fewcompanions secretly trekked for five hundredmiles over remote mountainous areas of theWestern Isles and the North-West Highlands ofScotland. Eventually, he was rescued byfriends, and taken to France.The author has thoroughly researched the storyfrom contemporary accounts. Over ten years,he has also walked and explored the wholeroute that Charles followed on foot.For the benefit of present-day hillwalkers,there is a companion Hillwalkers' Guide. It contains details of walks that together coverCharles' complete route, and lead to places thatfigure in the story. The Guide can be accessedfree of charge from the dedicated
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