The Ministry, Vol. 12, No. 07
Crystallization-Study of the Gospel of Luke
Description:... This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the twelve messages given during the 2008 summer training on the "Crystallization-study of the Gospel of Luke," held June 30--July 5, in Anaheim, California. The crucial truth and burden embodied in these twelve messages may be summarized in the following two sets of statements: The highest standard of morality is the living of the Lord Jesus as the Man-Savior, whose life was a composition of God with the divine attributes and man with the human virtues to be the basic factor for His dynamic salvation. The Man-Savior's God-man living constituted a prototype for the reproduction of the God-man in the believers, who are reborn of the pneumatic Christ in their spirit and transformed by the pneumatic Christ in their soul. In order to be one with the Man-Savior in His God-man living, we need to sit at His feet and listen to His word so that we may be infused with His life for the expression of God and with His desire for our service to God unto the building of God. By praying ourselves into God, we are empowered in Christ to repudiate ourselves, renounce our material possessions, and follow the Man-Savior so that we may live in the reality of the economy of God to become rich toward God for the kingdom of God. We need to be today's ministers and witnesses by living and proclaiming the gospel--Christ as the jubilee of grace--for the accomplishing of God's eternal economy. If we lose our soul-life in this age and do not preserve it by lingering in the earthly and material things, we may participate in the rapture of the overcomers and stand before the Son of Man on Mount Zion. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they may benefit the saints who are participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth.
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