Antiziganismus und Sozialarbeit
Elemente einer wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung, gezeigt an Beispielen aus Europa mit dem Schwerpunkt Rumänien
Description:... Die Angst vor der Massenimmigration von Roma im Zuge der EU-Osterweiterung lässt in ganz Europa latente antiziganistische Einstellungen und Politik wieder aufleben. In dieser Arbeit werden typische Elemente des historischen und aktuellen Antiziganismus herausgearbeitet. Dafür wird ein sozialarbeitswissenschaftlicher Zugang gewählt, der die sozialen Probleme der Roma aus der Perspektive der diskriminierten Betroffenen versteht. Die systemische Analyse zeigt die gesellschaftliche Ausgrenzung, die von der Vernichtung im Nationalsozialismus und in Pogromen der Gegenwart über die Vertreibung und Abschiebung bis zur Zwangsassimilation reicht. Erst in Ansätzen ist eine Integration erkennbar. Dieses Buch plädiert für ein induktives Vorgehen, das in der Sozialarbeit gemeinsam mit den betroffenen Roma Handlungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten ergreift und Initiativen für eine Selbstorganisation im Sinne des „Empowerments“ setzt.
Fearing mass-immigration of Roma from the Eastern European countries the antigypsy attitude and politics rise again in Europe. In this thesis the focus lies on some typical elements of antigypsism.
Therefore a new scientific approach is necessary, because the former "Tsiganologie" is discredited because of its role during the Nazism and different other singular sciences even fail to answer the question of the identity of Roma, because they declare them objects of their scientific interest and neglect the interpersonal constitution of identity. Therefore this text suggests an approach of a social-work-science, which takes account of the transdisciplinarity of the social problems of Roma and considers the results of historic, sociological, political, pedagogical, medical, socio-psychologica etc.
research from the point of view of socially discriminated Roma. Along the analytical framework of exclusion/inclusion different social systems are investigated. The result is a broad variety of anti-gypsy mechanism:
Total exclusion by extermination during the NS-regime and under Antonescu in Romania, but also by recent pogroms, expulsion in the middle ages, but also by deportation of asylum-seekers today, repression and assimilation in the fields of poverty, work, housing, health, language and culture, politics and public opinion, and only in marginal fields integration. There will be no automatic evolution to a better social inclusion of the minority of Roma into their societies by integration of Eastern European Countries like Romania into the EU nor will the Roma communities be able or be demanded to reach this integration by their own means. As identity, be it individual or ethnic, always emerges and subsists in interaction, inclusion can only be achieved in a reciprocal process and can never be understood as task and responsibility of the excluded minority. Therefore this thesis pleads for a change of the perspective, for an inductive procedure. A science based social work seems appropriate to reach this purpose. Such a social work will act in a transdisciplinarian way and will enable to seize possibilities of action and development together with the Roma on an individual and local level. If these possibilities don't yet exist, such a social work will reach out for them and will take the initiative for self-organization of individuals and groups in the sense of empowerment.
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