books 1 - 6
“Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Science without humanity
Knowledge without character
Politics without principle
Commerce without morality
Worship without sacrifice.
Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God. Origen says: “He is called Wisdom, as we find in the words of Solomon ... He is called Top and firstborn, as the apostle says:“ He was born before all creatures. ”However, firstborn is not something different in nature from Wisdom, but it is the same (with her.) Finally, the apostle Paul says, “Christ is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.” In verse one of Genesis — the first book in the Old Testament corpus — it is said, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," and in Revelation, the last of the books of the New Testament, Christ testified of Himself, "I am the beginning." In addition to that. we can also quote the words from the Gospel of Jonah, which read: "In the beginning was the Word ... all things came into being through him ...". This means that in His Word and Wisdom, which are Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, God the Father created all that exists. ///
...Christ was not "created" by God at a given time, but on the contrary, time was created in Him. Since God is above time and space, the very generation of the Word is, quite naturally, an over-temporal and extra-spatial act. That is why Origen says, "God the Father never existed, even for a moment, without this Wisdom." ///
Origen goes on to clarify the relationship that exists between God the Father and His Son. He writes: "this birth (of the Son of the Father) - eternally and unceasingly resembles how the radiance is born of light."
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