Methods of Soil Analysis
Physical and mineralogical properties, including statistics of measurement and sampling. Part 1
Description:... Errors of observation; Bias; Extraneous values; Operator variation; Sampling; Calibration; Water content; Physical condition of water in soil; Soil suction measurements with tensiometers; Heat of immersion; Hydraulic head; Rate of water intake in the field; Laboratory measurement of hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil. Field measurement of hydraulic below a water table; Field measurement of hydraulic conductivity above a water table; Laboratory measurement of hydraulic conmductivity of unsaturated soil; Water diffusivity; Water capacity; Water availability; Evapotranspiration; Porosity; Composition of soil atmosphere; Gas movement; Temperature; Heat capacity and specific heat; Heat transfer; Reflectivity; Long-wave radiation; Particle density; Bulk densi-ty; Consistency; Compactibility; Stress distribution; Shear strengh; Volume change; Modulus of rupture; Penetrometer measurements; Bearing capacity. Size distribution of aggregates. Aggregate stability. Air-to-water permeability ratio. Specific surface. Particle fractionation and particle-size analysis. Pretreatment for mineralogical analysis. Free oxides, hydroxides, and amorphous aluminosilicates. Petrografhic microscope techniques. Electron microscope techniques. Electron-diffraction techniques for mineral identification. X-ray diffraction techniques for mineral identification and mineralogical composition. Thermal analysis techniques for mineral identification and mineralogical composition. Infrared spectrometry.
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