Yoga therapy uses Postures and breathing techniques to
facilitate healing from Psychological and Physical Conditions. Meditation
also plays a role in achieving improved emotional well being. While yoga is
often associated With Physical exercise and relaxation. It can also be used to
enhance your overall health. The holistic approach of this therapy Means
that it includes aspects of Physical therapy as Well as Psycho therapy. Yoga
therapy has a holistic approach to healing which takes in to account of your
body. Mind Intellect. Sanskara. the therapeutic Process is used to facilitate
the development of Self Knowledge Which can be used to address the
Psychological Challenges that you facing yoga theory incorporate the idea of
Prana or energy that flows through our bodies. The healing Process involves
addressing any energy blockages which can result in emotional and Physical
imbalances. Yoga therapy many help you to change your Perspective of the
challenges that you are facing as Well as to Change your attitude towards