Crack Heads Only
Description:... Only for a minute, her guard was down, the devil then intervened, took her joy away. She allows this to happen to her behind the love for a man, which distributes crack-cocaine. For Kat there was no escaping this drug for a season, to leave the drug alone forever, to never try or smoke again seems almost impossible. The tangle web of crack cocaine seems to follow her wherever she goes and who ever she meets seems to be involved one way or another with the drug. Katie Lucresia Bell, is actually three women who battle crack in their own way, the first life is with Mark Ballard, the juggler, runs a crack house and leave Shawn, with sights unseen to her and situations she have never heard of before, this crack bottles Kates mind where the drugs took her to another level in life. The last life is when she came home from the halfway house, the Church retaliates for the lamb of Christ. Now Katie has fallen in love and has to deny what her heart desires. You cannot mix love with crack-cocaine, the devil cannot love and crack is a demon.
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