Organizational Charts and Job Descriptions for the Advancement Office
Description:... This document offers examples of advancement organizational charts for large public and private universities, small- to medium-sized public and private colleges and universities, community colleges, and independent schools. In addition, it provides organizational charts and sample job descriptions for various areas of institutional advancement, such as public relations, development, publications, special events, alumni relations, and marketing. Section 1 briefly discusses approaches to organizing an advancement operation. Section 2 provides examples of organizational charts for advancement activities at 17 institutions. Accompanying each chart is a brief description of the institutional structure and special features of the advancement organizational structure. Section 3 provides charts and sample job descriptions for the following areas: Vice President/Vice Chancellor level, alumni relations, development, government relations, marketing, public relations, publications, and special events. Section 4 provides concluding observations. (Contains 12 "CASE CURRENTS" references.) (DB)
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