Moving Meditations
for your heart, soul, mind, and strength
While loving the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, we can be drawn into a deeper relationship with Him by moving our bodies to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit while becoming less self-focused and more Christ-focused.
Through scriptures, devotions, breath exercises, and movements demonstrated with clear images, registered yoga instructor Callie Drozinski shares inspiring tools that invite believers to relieve stress, calm their busy minds, and find relief from physical pain in order to love God, themselves, and others more like Jesus did. Through her instructions, participants will practice specific exercises and stretches, focus their minds, and pray the scripture as they move and breathe in each posture to open the heart and soul, worship God, and ultimately find healing.
Moving Meditations shares scriptures, movements, and devotions that encourage believers to exercise, stretch, and pray with Christ at the center to find healing for the heart, soul, mind, and strength.
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