Sports Acupuncture
The Meridian Test and Its Applications
Description:... Based on the M-Test results, the synergistic action of the joints and muscles involved in the movements can be facilitated with acupuncture, massage, or stretching. For the acupuncturist, the M-Test provides another powerful assessment tool for the treatment of pain and compromised movement. This system is compatible with the traditional understanding of the meridians, but takes it a step further to clarify the relationship between the meridians and movement. Practitioners can render treatment with a better understanding of this relationship and identify the most effective points for treating pain and improving movement. The M-Test can also be used to evaluate the results of treatment or the stretching regimen so that a better strategy can be formulated if the results are unsatisfactory. Athletes can learn to perform M-Test movements before or even during competition to identify and correct abnormalities to improve their performance and prevent injuries.
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