Anatomical Atlas of Acupuncture Points
Description:... This practical, full-color photographic atlas is an indispensable aid to rapid, accurate location of acupuncture points. It's the first book to combine illustrated acupuncture points with full-color photos indicating the body anatomy in the vicinity of commonly used and potentially dangerous points. The book's first section provides photos of human models with the 14 acupuncture channels and 409 acupuncture points clearly indicated; the photos first depict the whole body, then provide greater detail on specific body regions. The second section contains color photos of large cross-sections of the trunk, indicating relevant acupuncture points by channel. The third section presents color photos, each accompanied by one or more color drawings, illustrating cross-sections of body parts in the vicinity of individual commonly used or higher-risk acupuncture points; these photos and drawings illustrate the depth of needle insertion and label the anatomical structures traversed by the needle. They are accompanied by brief notes on location, depth of insertion and clinical indications. - Features photos and diagrams that aid the reader in locating points and gaining needling confidence as they learn to visualize the "real life" body structures involved in the needle passage.
- Presents full-color photos of acupuncture channels and points on human models, aa well as full-color photos and drawings of anatomical cross-sections at commonly used and higher-risk points.
- Facilitates rapid location of acupuncture points.
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