Drawing Nearer To God
Women's Bible Study
Description:... Why Draw Near to God?God makes a promise to us in James 4:8. He says if we will draw near toHim, that He will draw near to us. What an amazing promise. God isn'ttalking about physical proximity of course, but a life of personal, intimatefellowship with Him. Yet, this promise is conditional. It requires somethingon our part-we must first draw near to Him. God seeks this relationship,even to the sacrificing of His son. Romans 5:8 says, "but God shows his lovefor us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." So the questionis, do we desire this close relationship, this nearness? This study is designedto help us fulfill our part. Perhaps we should ask, "What are some of theblessings that are received from a close relationship with God?"
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