The BSE Inquiry
Return to an Order of the Honourable the House of Commons Dated October 2000 for the Report, Evidence and Supporting Papers of the Inquiry Into the Emergence and Identification of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) and the Action Taken in Response to it Up to 20 March 1996
Description:... This volume is concerned with the implications that BSE had for human health. It covers the period from February 1989 to 20th March 1996 when the announcement of a probable link between BSE and a new variant of CJD (vCJD) (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) was made. The policy of slaughter and compensation of BSE-infected cattle, the primary aim of which was to address the risk that BSE might be transmissible to humans, is looked at from the earlier date of August 1988. Of particular interest is the question of whether there was universal compliance with the obligation to give notification of any animals showing symptoms of BSE.This volume is largely concerned with the risk of transmission via the food chain although it also considers occupational risk, the risk posed to schoolchildren who dissected bovine eyeballs and the implications for human health of the disposal of bovine waste generated by the cattle compulsorily slaughtered and by the banning of Specified Bovine Offal (SBO). Other significant pathways are dealt with in volume 7, 'Medicines and cosmetics'.The advice of the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC) which related to public health is considered in this report. The diagnosis of CJD in younger people, the media reaction to these cases and the official responses are also examined.Chapter 7 covers the final period and describes the consideration given by the CJD Surveillance Unit and SEAC to the growing number of cases of CJD in young victims, leading to the conclusion that these were suffering from a new variant of CJD that was probably transmitted from BSE. It examines when officials and Ministers in MAFF and DH first appreciated that this was a possibility and whether they reacted soon enough. The consideration taken by Government as to what action to take and the decision that was reached and announced to Parliament on 20 March 1996 is recorded.
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