Swallowed By The Sea
Description:... Unlike my actions, my words have never betrayed me and hence I hold them dear. They talk of nothing much as such, apart from pain, joy, despair, love, beauty, and anguish, which are the usual drugs of any artist. But unlike the falsely painted trappings of our modern earthly pursuits, they celebrate vulnerability. And this vulnerability does not hide behind indecipherable words of literature. It is out there, laid bare, waiting to be felt, without much need for interpretation or adulation.
So, while the true meaning of art is always left for one to perceive, I do hope that these words help you find a bit of yourself in them too. If they do, I will take the liberty to sleep happy, letting this heart believe that while you and I may choose to disagree about most things in life, in art we found a common end.
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