Creep Deformation: Fundamentals and Applications
Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Mechanical Behavior Committee (Jt. SMD/ASM-MSCTS) of the Structural Materials Division (SMD) and the Powder Materials Committee of the Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division (MPMD) of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) : Held During the 2002 TMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, Feburary 17-21, 2002
Description:... These proceedings focus on the application of fundamental creep research to the design and development of high temperature materials for engineering applications. The book deals with all aspects of creep deformation and high temperature materials development, specifically the influence of microstructures on various aspects of creep and the application of this information in the design of highly creep resistant materials. Emphasis will be placed on advanced ceramic and metal matrix composites and advanced intermetallics. This volume brings together researchers working on fundamental issues relating to the development and characterization of high temperature materials and design engineers involved in high temperature applications.
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