Think You Can Think?
Cracking the Thinking Skills Assessment
Description:... Nelson has two pet tortoises, one called Wellington and one called Napoleon. Wellington is twice as old as Napoleon. In 10 years, the sum of their ages will be 47. How old is Wellington? A 27 B 18 C 17 D 9 E 11. Think you could answer 50 questions like this in 90 minutes? Every day we think, draw conclusions and make decisions. But how critically do we really think about things? Do we always make logical choices? Do we spot flaws and assumptions in arguments? Do we question what we read or do we let statistics and spin startle us? How do we really think? After a lot of thinking, the team behind "So You Want To Go To Oxbridge? Tell Me About a Banana ..." brings you the guide to tackling numerical and verbal reasoning problems effectively and efficiently. Written for students, parents and teachers (and everyone who likes to think), "Think You Can Think?" explores the art of critical thinking and the logic of solving problems. From choosing the cheapest cherries in a supermarket, to scrutinising political debates, this book discusses how to take the most logical approach every time.
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