In-Depth Puppy Love Tutorial: Mastering Colored Pencils One Step at a Time
Description:... This adorable colored pencil tutorial is pup-approved! Draw a sweet little tri-colored Spaniel puppy in 30 detailed steps with crystal clear instruction and step by step images. You'll spend hours gaining confidence with colored pencils while building a wide range of tones and textures - all under the precise guidance of master pet portrait artist Donna Mulley.
Learn techniques for gorgeous curly black coats and soft white fur - all in the same project. You will add tools to your CP toolbox that are sure to help you in future pet portraits: getting the highlights in long, shiny fur just right and perfecting the various reflections in those captivating eyes.
The clear instruction will guide you from step 1 to done with helpful tips along the way. You'll master a new surface and new techniques that will breathe life into your pet portraits.
Draw... Frame... Bask in your talent!
ABOUT IN-DEPTH TUTORIALS: Created by master colored pencil artists, each In-Depth tutorial features 30+ steps and focuses on teaching you why and not just how the artist applies their technique. No book or video comes close to the amount of instruction in an In-Depth tutorial. Art instruction books typically contain 4-6 steps per demo. That just scratches the surface! With large images and 30 or more steps, In-Depth tutorials truly show you exactly how the artist works, making it easy to truly learn new colored pencil techniques and achieve success.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Inspired by a love of dogs and encouraged by family and friends, Donna dusted the cobwebs from her pencils and paints once her grown-up children had flown the nest. These days she spends much of her time, pencil in hand and dogs at her feet, producing pet portraits and animal art in pencil and paint.
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