Election and Predestination
Keys to a Clearer Understanding
Description:... You are not about to read the views of one author alone. In this powerful book Samuel Fisk quotes over 100 scholars. He presents, in one volume, a vast array of balanced and scholarly views to help you unravel the vexed questions of election and predestination. It is often assumed that one must be either a Calvinist or an Armenian. This is not so. There is a balanced, scriptural line of truth regarding election that will preserve the Bible student from dangerous by-path meadows into which far too many have strayed over the years. As you read the wise and careful comments of such scholars as W.E. Vine, Sir. Robert Anderson, C.H. Spurgeon, F.B. Meyer, Handley Moule, Harry Ironside, R.A. Torrey, G. Campbell Morgan, Wilber M. Smith, J.C. Ryle, A.T. Robinson, Christopher Wordsworth and J. Sidlow Baxter, you will begin to see your way through this particularly tricky theological minefield. This could be one of the most important books you will ever read.
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